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National Journals


ISSN: 2087-3735, Publisher: STIE PERBANAS SURABAYA, Date 10-07-2015

The effect of government expenditures on Indonesia economic growth
Author: Nurlina

good governance and fiscal capacity in regional expension: a holistic analysis of qualitative perspective
Author: syariffudin; Ratna ayu damayanti

Implementation of investment and working capital financing allocated by banks towards the added GDP, labors, and welfare in four regencies in Madura
Author: Didin Fatihudin; Sjamsul Hidajat; Ma'ruf Sya'ban

The analysis of labor force participation in rubber smallholding sector in banyuasin regency, south sumatra, Indonesia
Author: M. Yusuf; Jamalludin Sulaiman

Pattern of consumption budget allocation by the poor families
Author: Rizal Edy Halim; Imam Wahyudi; M. Budi Prasetyo

Innovative funding solution for special projects: Crowd funding
Author: Sentot Imam Wahjono;

The causal relationship of business innovation training and development, and job satisfaction of SME manufacturing in Palembang
Author: Afriyadi Cahyadi

The strategy of tourism village development in the hinterland Mount Bromo, East Java
Author: Siti Mujanah; Tri Ratnawati; Sri Andayani

Relationship model among sport event image, destination image, and tourist satisfaction of Tour de Singkarak in West Sumatera
Author: Ratni Prima Lita; Ma'ruf

Human capital development strategy on go-public manufacturing companies in Indonesia
Author: Saban Echdar

Consumer Complaint Behavior (CCB) of Jombang Health Card (KJS) for increasing health facility service
Author: Endah Sulistyowati; Danny Wibowo

Does an ethic matter to predict misreporting behavior?
Author: Ascaryan Rafinda;

The effects of audit quality on the value relevance of other comprehensive incomes
Author: Levinska Primavera; Taufik Hidayat