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National Journals


ISSN: 2087-3735, Publisher: STIE PERBANAS SURABAYA, Date 09-03-2015

Analysis of macroeconomic and diagnostic of economic growth of surabaya
Author: Ignatia Marta

Improving the competitive advantage through information technology: A case at food and beverage industries in indonesia
Author: Musran Munizu

The effect of intellectual capital disclosure of cost of capital: Evidence from technology intensive firms in indonesia
Author: Sri Hernita BArus; Sylvia Veronica S

The effect of fundamental and technical variables on stock price (Study on manufacturing company listed in indonesia stock exchange)
Author: Eva Dwi A; Surachman; Atim Djazuli

Goal-setting participation as strategic measurement perfomance for enchancing mangerial performance through procedural fairness and interpersonal trust
Author: Soni Agus I; Taufik Akbar

The Employees and customers' satisfaction perception on financial performance: A model of service-profit chain in jakarta
Author: Rudyanto

Analysis of materialism, fashion clothing, and recretional shopper identity
Author: Endang Ruswanti

Merton model as predictor of failure probablility of public banks in indonesia
Author: Firman Pribadi; Susanto

Precision of the models of Altman, Springate, Zmijewski, and Grover for predicting the financial distress
Author: M. Fakhri H; Galuh Tri P

Motivation on accounting choice of acturial gain (loss)
Author: Julio Hokky S; Taufik Hidayat

Analysis of university graduates' competencies for the position of in-ternal auditors: Perspective of internal auditor practices
Author: Hansiadi Yuli H; Lisia Apriani

The effect of audit firm tenure in artificial rotation on audit quality
Author: Junaidi;