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International Journals


ISSN: 2086-3802, Publisher: PPPM STIE PERBANAS, Date 28-12-2014

The effect of leadership, motivation, and work discipline on the employees' performance of finance section in the regional working unit in tulungagung regency
Author: Rista Eka Rachim Febiningtyas; Diah Ekaningtias

The effect of good governance on the success of the implementation of performance-based budgeting in balai besar pelaksanaan jalan nasional V surabaya
Author: Auliarahma; Titis Puspitaningrum Dewi Kartika

Cost of quality control to improve production cost effiency and sales productivity (case study on companies in sidoarjo)
Author: Achmad Daeng GS; Mahjudin; Eka Tupiana

The effect of association, ability, and credibility of companies implementing CSR on the analyists' investment recomendations
Author: Chindi Nurkholiva S

Optimally diversified portfolio
Author: Deannes Isynurwardhana

The effect of market-to-book ratio, asset structure, and earning after tax on the level of laverage in non-financial companies listed in indonesia stock exchange 2007-2012
Author: Rezza Arlinda Sarwendhi; Agus Samekto

The effect of intelectual capital on stock price and company value in manufacturing companies listed in indonesia stock exchange 2008-2012 with size and leverage as moderating variables
Author: Aprilina Suhermin

A study on the zakat and infaq or sadaqah accounting application under SFAS 109 in al-falah social fund foundation (YSDF) surabaya
Author: Siti Wasila; Nanang Shonhaji

Analysis of the implementation of government regulation no.46 2013 in the calculation of PT ABC's income tax payable 2013/2014
Author: Naniek Noviari

The effect of public accounting firm size, financial distress, institutional ownership, and management change on the auditor switching in manufacturing companies listed in indonesia stock exchange
Author: Dewi Sri Kistini; Joicenda Nahumury