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National Journals


ISSN: 2087-3735, Publisher: STIE PERBANAS SURABAYA, Date 21-07-2014

The impact of AC-free trade area on the performance of industrial sectors in indonesia
Author: Eko Wahyudi; Boediono

Economic, social and environmental disclosure, a theoritical framework and its application in vietnam
Author: Viet Ha Tranvu;

Acceleration of investment through the stabilization of money
Author: Sriyono

The role of female leadership and female entrepreneurship in business in surabaya
Author: Liliani; Christian Budiman Urbanus

Determinant factors of investors' behavior in investement decision in indonesia capital markets
Author: Indra Lisyarti; Tatik Suryani

The effect of training and competency on employees' organizational commitment at PT. Bank Danamon in ambon city
Author: Ventje Jeffry Kuhuparuw; Sherly Ferdinandus

The relationship between management control systems and corporate financial performance (a moderated regression analsis approach from minning companies in indonesia)
Author: Anis Rachma Utary

The role of board of comissioners and transparency in improving bank operational eficiency and profitability
Author: Lutfi; Meliza Silvy; Rr. Iramani

Qualitative characteristics of accounting information in the belief revision of the users for the securities prospects in indonesia stock exchange (IDX)
Author: MF. Arrozi Adhikara; Maslichah; Nur Diana

Company's internal characteristics, enviromental uncertainty, the use of accounting information, and the performance of SMEs
Author: Ladovicus Lasdi; Teodora Winda Mulia

Income smoothing practices and empirical testing using discretionary accounting changes
Author: Theresia Trisanti

Continous auditing: Developing automated audit systems for fraud and eror detections
Author: Gregorius Rudy Antonio

The effect of audit commitee role and sharia supervisory board role on financial reporting quality at islamic banks in indonesia
Author: Rini