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National Journals


ISSN: 2087-3735, Publisher: STIE PERBANAS SURABAYA, Date 10-12-2013

The prospects of asean economic community
Author: Wahyudi Wibowo

Analysis of market discipline mechanism in indonesia banking industries
Author: Moch. Doddy Ariefianto; Yuswanto

The effect of involvement in selecting startegic initiatives and strategic initiative report on division managers' performance evaluation using balaced scorecard
Author: Syaiful Anas; Mahfud Sholihin

The risk phenomenon of investing in capital market (individual broker perception)
Author: Ang Swat Lin Lindawati; Tiffany Roselin

An examination of the effects of ownership structure and financial leverage on the dividend policies of listed firms in nigeria
Author: Uwalomwa Uwuigbe

The influence of customers perspectives and preferences on the customer-oriented bank marketing mix startegies
Author: Anank Agung Putu Agung

Some factors influencing the employers' performanc3e at the administration of politeknik negeri sriwijaya through user evaluation
Author: Irma Salamah

Cherry pick, Shopping satisfaction, and market maven
Author: Endang Ruswanti

Decision of sign off premature based on audit risk and time budget pressure by the public accountant firm in east kalimantan
Author: Anisa Kusuma Wardani

Intention and behavior of tax payment compliance by the individual tax payers listed in pratama tax office west sidoarjo regency
Author: Kautsar Riza Salman; Bayu Sarjono

The effect of information asymmetry on earnings management through accrual and real activities during global financial crisis
Author: Lodovicus Lasdi

Multimediansional causal path on organizational commitment and jobs satisfaction in intention to leave by accountants
Author: Ivan A. Setiawan; Imam Ghozali

Adoption of international financial reporting standartds (IFRS)in Indonesia
Author: Hamidah