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National Journals


ISSN: 2087-3735, Publisher: STIE PERBANAS SURABAYA, Date 11-06-2013

The Analysis of Indonesia Economic Growth: A Study in Six Big Island in Indonesia
Author: Teddy Christianto Leasiwal

Model of it adoption for increasing the MSME's competitive advantage
Author: Nurhadi

Woolworths australia and walmart US: Best practices in supply chain collaboration
Author: Verdi Arli; Sean Dylke; Rosie Burgess; Romain Campus; Evita Soldo

The influential factors on the patients statisfaction and intent to behave: A case study in north sulawesi province
Author: Silvya Lefina Mandey

Increasing the employees' performance througt tranformational leadership and organizational culture at PT. Perkebunan Nusantara V Riau
Author: Marnis

Successes and failures of AICPA initiaves: Impact of diversity decline on minorities
Author: Elizabeth Foma

The effect of market orientation on performance with environmental uncertainty as a moderating variable
Author: Syarifah Hudayah; Muhammad Ikbal

The trend and variation of intelectual capital disclosure at Bank Industries in europe
Author: Ascaryan Rafinda; Bambang Agus Pramuka; Poppy Dian Indira Kusuma

Intention to purchase the private label barand: The roles of financial risk perception. price, and value consciousness for consumers of hypermarket in suarabaya
Author: Veronika Rahmawati

Interdependency group moderation and the relatioship between procedural fairness and audit performance
Author: Ardianto

Analysis of the factors determining the audit fee
Author: Kusharyanti

Auditors' personality in increasing the burnout
Author: Intiyas Utami; ertambang Nahartyo